Visiting with Marlon Jerome

Some of you have asked us to post this video which we shared while home in the states.
This is the video of Jerome, our friend and student of the Healing Hands Bible School where we have often taught while here in Guyana. Jerome has been in need of a larger boat engine for his boat which he takes into areas where he preaches the gospel. Many in these areas have never heard the name of Jesus. We're happy to say that, thanks to many of you, we've been able to raise almost enough funds for the engine. We're believing God for the balance by February and plan to have the engined purchased by then. Praise be to God.
During a recent visit, Jerome share with us this testimony of God's faithfulness and goodness inspite of a very difficult life. Today he still may not have much by man's standards, but he is rich in his faith and walk with God, which makes everything else pale in light of the presence of God in his life. What an inspiring young man!


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