God is Great and Greatly to Be Praised!

Praise God, radiation treatments are over!  It's been a long journey since we got back from Guyana on June 29th.  God has been holding our  hands and guiding us all the way.  Making a way where there was no way.  A little unnerving at times but we held on to God knowing He was in control.

As we think back we can see how the enemy wanted to stop the ministry,  but instead we became more determined than ever to follow our calling to equip the saints in Guyana.  We continue to plan for school to start in March.

Not moved by what I see...

The battle's not over yet...Victory Is Mine!
Don has gone from a horrible skin cancer on the side of his forhead to having it gone...removed completely, by the grace of God. Nothing spread to other parts of his body.  All pathology reports - negative.  Glory to God!
TO THIS....By God's marvelous Grace
We are very thankful for the prayers and support we've received during this very critical time and rejoice in God's goodness.  This has been a busy time driving back and forth to Palo Alto, doctor appointments, and making sure Don's medication is applied and taken etc.

Don's doctors are amazed at how well he has done with the radiation treatments.  The side effects have been minimal.  Hardly any blistering and no mouth sores.  He is a little tired though, and has some discomfort with dry eyes along with some changes in his taste buds, but this is all temporary. It will take a couple of months to gain back some weight and strength. There are several additional doctor appointments to make between now and the end of the year, but all in all we find ourselves grateful for God’s goodness. 

Although we are thankful to Mr. and Mrs. Thompson of Tracy for providing a motorhome for us to stay in, recently, we were able to move into a small apartment in Modesto. It seems like a mansion after living for two months in the motor home in Tracy.  We're finally feeling a little settled, and closer to church.

Because Don will have to stay close to doctors for the next couple of years, we will not be moving back to Guyana soon; thus the ministry will take on a different form.  Don and I will begin putting the Bible school classes on DVD as soon as he's feeling stronger.  As I stated above, our goal is to start classes next March when we return for a 3-week trip.  The students are ready to get started again and we are looking forward to the school getting back on track.  The ministry will look different than before, but the Word of God will go forth in spite of the enemies plans to thwart it. 

We know our work is not over yet, so we continue being obedient to the Lord and pushing forward until the Lord changes our direction.  As we have often said, “there are souls waiting on the other side of our obedience.”

Maria, Paster Perez and Don
We continue to be in constant contact with our friends in Guyana and Venezuela.  Pastor Perez from Venezuela called the other day asking if we could send clothing for any ageSpanish or English Bibles, and  Bible study books or children’s Bible story books.  If you are able to donate any of these items please contact us 209-232-0429.  Clothing must be light summer clothes as it is very hot and humid there.  Many children in this area have very little clothing, if any.  (These items can be slightly used.)  We would like to put together a box to ship before the end of December.

Recently we sent a package to Tina Rajcoomer, my team partner for the GoodNews Club, who took over for us when we left.  We were able to send stickers and Bible Story Books. The children love these but they are hard to find there. The kids club is doing well and still growing.  Other clubs that were established are flourishing as well.

From Don....

Psalms 92:12-15 Amplified translation has been the meditation of my heart in recent weeks. Before you read this keep in mind that in I Corinthians 1:30 we are told that Christ Jesus has been made onto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption.  That tells me that I am not to look at my good deeds, but to look at what Jesus has done for me, so He is my righteousness.  Jesus is UNCOMPROMISINGLY RIGHTEOUSNESS.

“The [uncompromisingly righteous] shall flourish like the palm tree [be long lived, stately, upright, useful, and fruitful]: they shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon [majestic, stable, durable, and incorruptible].   Planted in the house of the Lord, they shall flourish in the courts of our God.  [Growing in grace] they shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap [of spiritual vitality] and [rich in the] verdure [of trust, love, and contentment].  [They are living memorials] to show that the Lord is upright and faithful to His promises:  He is my rock and there is no unrighteousness in Him.”

We’ve been obedient and willing to go, and God has given us fruit, because He is upright and faithful to His promises. We continue to grow in His grace, because He is our Rock!

May the Lord Bless and keep you,

Don and Maria Whitney


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