Below is a copy of Mark Neitz latest newsletter update which tells pretty much where we're at with the orphanage project. Thought we'd share it with you here.

Don and Maria

Mark Neitz via 
Jun 19 (6 days ago)
to me
June 2012           

Dear Friends,

As promised, this letter is devoted to updates for Why Not Now and The Lotus House Project. As partners, both in prayer and finances, I wanted to give you details of where we stand currently and where we are going.


We are set to begin the lease of our 3.5 acre piece of land in September. This is the property I have described in past letters having over 200 fruit trees consisting of about 20 different kinds of fruit. It also has a pond for fishing and we will have a garden and chicken coop. There are two houses on the property as well. One of the houses is a fully furnished two bedroom house. It has electricity, plumbing etc. In other words it is completely livable.  The second house is basically a shell. It has power and some plumbing but needs a full remodel to be livable. We have received a generous donation of time and expertise by Scott Amarant of Amarant Design and Build to create blue prints for this remodel project. This house, when finished, will be a one bedroom with a second studio living quarter attached. These two houses will be the living area for my family, Don and Maria Whitney and our two other team members, which I will talk about a bit later. We have our blue prints in to local contractors for bids in doing the work. We should hear from them soon as to the cost for the remodel. Don and I plan to do some of the work ourselves to help lower the cost. However, we feel it is important to be a blessing to the community and one of the ways we are able to bless them is to hire them to help in the construction.

The lease on the property is for 20 years with the option to buy or extend for another 20 years. We are required to have to first full year lease amount of $10,000 by September. We are pleased to announce we have already met this requirement.

We are blessed to have the existing housing on the property. We have many construction jobs ahead including the remodel of the second house, 20’ x 20’storage building, a second well, fencing and ultimately, the houses that the children and their newly adopted parents will live in. We are awaiting bids on most of these projects. We do know the well will cost approximately $1,500 to dig plus holding tank and other materials. We currently have $10,000 designated in a building fund for these projects. We know it will cost more, but this is an excellent start. Thank You, Jesus!

Our goal is to raise another $20,000 before we move in August. This will provide for moving expenses, construction projects and help create a stable living environment for the rescued children. We want to break ground on the first family home as soon as possible, at the same time we want to ensure the safety and well being of the children and all of us living at The Lotus House. Once we are there, we are confident in Father to more than sustain us and the children we rescue. We will continue to keep you posted on our projects and their success. Faith is fun!!! Increase is inevitable!!!


I mentioned earlier about our team members. I’m so excited about the family Holy Spirit is assembling to follow along on the adventure. Katie Kallick has been a friend of our family for about 2 years now. She has been involved in ministry with us working on the streets of the City and has also volunteered as a leader to the youth at The Gateway where Jessica and I serve. Katie is more than a friend, she is family. Jessica and I love her very much and are excited to have her serve alongside of us. She is coming with us with a heart to serve, give and learn. She is incredibly creative and also administrative. What a combo! She is one of those people that just lights up a room and captures the heart of all those that meet her. Look out for this one; she is a world changer that will shake nations. Her passion for life is contagious!  If you’d like to follow her blog and see the journey from her perspective, you can follow the link here.

The other team member going is Cody Brooks. I’ve known Cody his entire life. I’ve watched him grow tremendously in this past year. Cody recently graduated from a yearlong internship in Roseville, CA in which God did a massive transformation in his life. He has had an interest in helping us since hearing our intent to go to Vietnam.  Cody has a passion for justice and to see Heaven known to the Nations. He is coming to serve with an attitude of “whatever it takes.” He’ll work alongside of me, digging ditches, ministering in remote areas and loving the children. If you’d like to follow Cody’s blog you may do so here.

I can’t help to take a moment to reiterate how immensely grateful we are for the Whitney’s. This couple completely breaks the mold for “seasoned” believers. They are both in their 60’s but live like teenagers. We would not be where we are today without their involvement. There are simply not enough words to say how grateful I am for their friendship and partnership. They have been key in planning and developing relationships both here in the States and in South East Asia. They have literally given all to serve with us in Vietnam. I’m simply overwhelmed by the level of commitment they have made to our ministry and to my family. They have been back in the U.S. since March and are returning to Vietnam on July 2nd to oversee the beginning of the construction projects.

Jessica and I value the Whitney’s, Katie and Cody so much and I’m grateful for their determination to live life without excuse being willing to boldly say, “Yes!” My family, the Whitney’s, Katie and Cody are ready to see the nations of South East Asia know they have a Father that loves them and a future and hope. Thank you for your prayers for our team.


I had the privilege of doing 2 radio interviews in San Diego last week to help raise awareness for children involved in trafficking and to also raise support for water filters to distribute to the families most at risk. We believe that by providing clean safe drinking water to the at risk families, we will greatly reduce the need to sell their children by keeping the family healthy.

I leave next week for Texas. I will be visiting friends and family while also speaking with churches and groups in the San Antonio and Houston areas. I’m looking forward to making connections and building relationships.


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