Back in Cambodia

A Hospital "Welcome Back"....

There's always new and unexpected adventures as we walk through life's journey.  As many of you know from FaceBook, 2 days after arriving I woke up in extreme pain and Don took me into the hospital emergency room. I was diagnosed with appendicitis and was taken in for an hour and 45 minute surgery. Looking back, God was merciful in so many ways, showing his faithfulness and care. This could have happened before we left the US which would have caused us to change our flights... very costly, or it could have happened in the air during our 25 hour trip. But instead we were home and the hospital which is only 15 minutes away was an accredited hospital.  (Not many of those around here.)  Praise God all went well and I have recovered nicely. I'm running up and down the stairs, doing laundry on the roof, unpacking and cleaning.  My only instructions from the doctor were not to lift anything heavy. I can handle that...       I've got my Don!

Stateside Activities
It's always a special time when we get to go back to the states and visit with our family and friends. These are the times we remember and treasure when we're away. We're hoping to one year be able to go at Christmas so we can spend time with our loved ones during the holidays. It's been 6 years since we've had Christmas together.

Most missionaries would agree with us that coming back is not a vacation. Our calendars are full with traveling near and far working to raise funds for ministry, taking care of Doctor, Dentist, taxes and any other business appointments needed. 
Catching up with family and friends is our reward for coming.

For all those we were able to see and visit with, and those we weren't able to fit in this trip, please know that we love you and appreciate each one of you. See you next time.

THC Schools Growing and Thriving
Traveling in the rain
Next month is the end of the school year for the Bible Schools.  It's a time 
when we look forward to hearing the testimonies from our students; sharing what they've learned, and how their lives have changed through the teaching of the Word. They are amazing students - eager to learn more about God, and willing to apply His principles to their lives. People are giving their hearts to the Lord, getting filled with the Spirit, healed & set free from sickness, disease & demonic oppression. I wish you could see the growth & changes in their lives. 

Man delivered from demonic spirit

This month, we were told about a man and his wife who brought their son to the Bible School to be prayed for.  They said he was demon possessed and had been this way for several years but now he was attacking people, hitting them with sticks, rocks or whatever he could find.

The parents had to use a chain on his foot to keep him from hurting anyone.  Our Bible School instructor and the students began to pray over him.  At first, he resisted, striking the instructor in the face, but the instructor took authority in Jesus name, casted the demon out and the man settled down. He was freed from the oppressive spirit that was tormenting him.

The next day he returned to the Bible school, in his right mind and unchained. He joined the students singing, praising and worshipping God. You don't often hear these types of stories in the states, although they do exist. We're grateful that in this spiritually active place the name of JESUS trumps all!
I can see...

Thank you to our donors for providing reading glasses for the students.  Being able to see the Word clearly makes a big difference when you're in school.  :) 

It also helps to see things closer, not needing to stretch your arms out...

Lots of rain...but pressing forward!

Lots of rain and flooding around us. Did you happen to see the video of the flooded streets we drove through a few days ago.  We posted the video on FB.  There were 3 different areas we drove through, on our way home, that were flooded. Each area was about 1,000 feet long and about 12 to 18 inches deep.  Water waves from other cars coming toward us would wash over the hood of the car in many places.  We were praying not to stall in the middle of these lakes of water.  Praise God He brought us home safely.
Next week we will be traveling to Esther's Rescue House.  Miss those beautiful girls and we're anxious to spend some time with them.  Don is getting my flannel board ready with the
 new backdrops we purchased while in the states. The girls love the Bible stories and I love telling them about their perfect and loving Heavenly Father. Brought back a couple of games to play with them as well. 

We're thankful to God for the work He has called us to do here and thankful for each one of you who make our work possible.  Without your prayers & financial what you see here  in these pages would not be possible.  Your seed planted here in Cambodia will bring big dividends. We all have a part in the Harvest Field.  Thank you for your part in partnering with us.
Don & Maria Whitney
Whitney Outreach Ministries
P.S.  If you haven't partnered with us yet, we hope you will consider joining us in this work through your prayers and monthly support.

Whitney Outreach Ministries


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