Change of Heart - Powerful !
Last night's Change of Heart class was powerful. There are 11 students registered in this class. While not all are pictured here, each one has a heart of expectation for what God will do in their lives through these classes.
Just a few days before the classes we had to replace two flat tires on the car. After that it stopped running and had to be put in the shop...$400 of work done on it. Oouch! We have to use our car for transporting students to and from class because of transportation difficulties. Some live too far out from the main road. Taxi's and busses stop running between 5:30 to 6. It is rare to find a student who has their own transportation. Some may have a bicycle but the roads are very dark at night and can be dangerous. The enemy knows how important our car is to ministry here.
Where we normally have to make one or two trips a month across the river to do our banking, this month we had to make 4 or five trips for various reasons. These trips can be very tiring.
But last night the devil tried his best to stop the work of the Spirit in the lives of our students. Right in the middle of the video, we had a power failure and we couldn't watch the rest of the message. Inspite of that, God manifested himself in a powerful way.
The class subject was the Fear of God...what exactly does that mean... have we lost this in our daily lives? Lost the awe of who God is. And what about the Fear of Man, has that replaced our fear of God?
We prayed for each one individually and then had a awesome time of Praise and Worship to our God. Lots of tears and then joy. God is so Good! The Captives are being set free!!
Lord, we love you and are awed by your Holiness, Power, Strength and Gentleness toward us. Thank You