October Highlights

"But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired." Isa 40:31 Amp.

Don and I continue to wait on the Lord, expecting His renewed strength and power.  There has been bumps on the road but our God is always faithful.

Don sleeping in our VA Hospital hotel
During our six weeks at the hospital for radiation treatments, Don slept a lot, but God was renewing and strengthening him daily.

On one occasion a friend of Don's took us out on his sail boat.  What a treat that was.
My Don

On My Birthday, Don surprised me with a Birthday Cake and slyly inviting the family over to celebrate with us.
Friends, John and Leslie, me, AnneMarie
Behind: Jeff and Jim
Grandkids- Becca, me, Alexandria
Back row: James, Cameron and Victoria

Later that week we went to Chevy's for a Birthday lunch!All in all it was a great Birthday with love, fun, laughter and most of all Family!
Happy Birthday at Chevy's

Another highlight was a surprise visit from our Guyanese friends, Pastor Rodwell and Grace McLean. We never dreamed they would be able to come to America and neither did they, but with God nothing is impossible.

Pastor Rod and Grace McLean

We had a wonderful time of fellowship in between Don's naps and were able to show them around a bit.

When visiting my daughter's family Pastor Rod got to climb into a real race car.  That was a highlight for him as well.

Pastor Rod climbing into my son-in-laws race car.
Pastor Rod...Race Car Driver!

We also visited with several friends and on Sunday morning Pastor Rod preached a powerful sermon at Soul Harvest Church.

Dinner with our friends Jeannie & Paul

Preaching at Soul Harvest Church

Soul Harvest
Pastors' Dana, Mitch, Rodwell, Grace, Verna,
 Rick and Simone
They will be joining us when we go to
 Guyana in March
Pastor Rodwell & Grace with Pastor Verna & Rick
Lastly our family took us all for a day trip to Yosemite.  They were so thrilled at the sights and this was their first time in 18 years of ministry that they were able to have a day of vacation and refreshing without ministry responsibilities.

Lourdes, her mom, niece, brother, son
and of course little Michael

Pastor Rod & Grace

Our special friends
Pastor Rod & Grace
On our first trip to Guyana, it was this couple that we stayed with for 5 weeks in Grove near the Capitol of Georgetown.  They have a vibrant church in a poor community, and have seen many wonders and miracles as they've touched lives for Jesus.

Now here, things are quiet again, however, we're planning and looking forward to our next trip to Guyana in March.  A team from Soul Harvest Church will be going with us, ministering and helping us delivery water filters.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers.  While we are thankful that Don is getting his strength back, he still has days when he's very tired by the afternoon.  We know this is normal and rejoice as we wait on the Lord who continues to renew his strength that he might rise up again as the eagle!

We love and appreciate all your prayers and support.

Don & Maria Whitney


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