Hello Partners,
We praise & thank God for you – your obedience & faithfulness is what keeps us able to reach into Guyana and Venezuela and now into Vietnam & Cambodia. We need your continued prayers & support as we follow His call to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations.
Recently we checked the statistic related to our blog and found that people from all over the world were reading our newsletter blog from the following nations: Guyana, United Kingdom, Malaysia, Russia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Sweden, Portugal, the Ukraine, South Korea, Thailand and U.S.A. CAN YOU SEE JUST HOW IMPORTANT AND VALUABLE YOU ARE TO US AND THE KINGDOM OF GOD!!!
This week we received a call from our friend Jerome (he lives in Guyana and travels to Venezuela to minister). Since he received the new boat last month, he has gone back into Venezuela again and the church there is now close to 400 strong in very poor riverside and interior jungle villages – God is doing mighty things there. With the new boat and new engine his travel is cut from 2 days down to 3 hours – Praise God. AGAIN, LOOK HOW IMPORTANT YOU ARE TO THE CHURCH IN VENEZUELA. WE APPRECIATE YOU.
Father God I come to you in the wonderful name of Jesus who is the Christ, the anointed one. I pray for our partners today that you would grant unto them the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him and that the eyes of their understanding would be enlightened so that they can know the hope of their calling. That You would strengthen them with might by Your Spirit in their inner man and, that they would know the love of Christ which passes knowledge and be filled with all the fullness of God. We pray that You would do exceeding abundantly above all that they ask or think according to the power that works in them. Unto you Father God be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen in Jesus’ Name.
Blessings to all. Next month I will be sharing from Isaiah Chapter 12 & Galatians Chapter 4.
Don and Maria Whitney
First planning meeting for Lotus House Orphanage in Vietnam with Christian businessmen.