Sunday Don preached at Pastor Thornhill's new church on the Pomeroon River.  This church is located a little ways away from the boat dock.  It's in a bottom house which we would call 'the downstairs', in a room about 8 X 10 ft.  30 people showed up to worship the Lord.  There was barely an isle between the people on one side of the room, and those on the opposite side of the room.
As we stood there worshipping with these brethren, I couldn't help but feel humbled at their enthusiasm and hunger for God and His Word.  Some paddled their little canoes for an hour to get there.  Pastor Thornhill has to travel by speedboat at least 1/2 hour to get to his little church every Sunday.  Because of the small room, some had to sit on the stairway just outside the room looking in.  To these people, nothing is inconvenient when it comes to church and the things of the Lord.

We walked from the boat dock through a walkway of coconut shells. Then we had to cross a pond on a round log to get to the church.

I thought about our beautiful sanctuaries in America, plush pews, carpets... everything in perfect order. Everything perfectly decorated and in excellence.  Yet we find the smallest things to gripe about.  But life is so much simpler here.  Yes, it can be hard in Guyana, no conveniences like we have in pews just assorted chairs or beautiful bouquets of flowers for the alter, just ordinary plastic flowers someone donated for a decoration.  For the walls there were two paper plates nailed to the wall with picture decorations in the middle.  Funny, how when you can't go to Target or Wallmart or even know about them, you begin to use the creativity God gave you.

Something that is very important to these brethren, however, is having a place where they can worship God and learn of His Word. Being uncomfortable or crowded just doesn't fit with these people.

Don preached and we dedicated about 8 children to the Lord.

Thank you for bringing us here Lord.  We love these our brethren in Christ!

P.S. We gave suckers to the children and on our way back to the boat Don had to have his picture taken with their pet monkey.  We also came across the "Boat Store".  How would you like to do your grocery shopping this way?  :D


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