Christian Movie Nights

Recently we've been showing a salvation outreach movie in 3 different churches. The movie is about a man who after serving 15 year prison sentence, gets saved and becomes a preacher returning to his old home town and church where he grew up.  Surrounded by drug dealers and fellons he manages to stand for the Lord and bring souls to Christ

This weekend we joined with the 5 Charity Pastors to show this movie in an area known for its drugs, alcohol and prostitution.  There was much seed sown to an audience of over 400 people. in an open tarmac market place area.

A few Pastors got together to worship before the movie.

By the time the movie got going 400+ people were in attendance but it was too dark to take a picture of the crowd.  No street lights here!  Prior to the movie we showed a Veggie Tale cartoon which the children loved.

Here are some children arriving to see the Veggie Tales show prior to the featured movie in the Village of Jib.  Don and helpers are setting up in the background.


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