Pastor Sahka

Don Whitney Ministries
October 12,2013

Dear Friends

Don and I need to introduce you to an amazing Pastor/Leader and friend, Pastor Sakha. He pastors a church in the village of Ronko which is in the Commune of Chemroun where we recently taught a group of his area leaders at the end of September. 
This man genuinely loves, and is totally committed to the Lord, following the mandate that Jesus gave, to "go and make disciples".  He has been part of "On The Frontline Ministries, Inc." for over 10 years and during that time has raised and trained between 40 to 50 leaders. (These were the leaders we taught while we were there.)

Once trained, these leaders move out to surrounding areas sharing the gospel and raising up Timothy's who will one day, also, become Pastors and/or Leaders and so the multiplications continues. It's Amazing! 

Pastor Sahka is one of those people with a huge heart of gold that continually goes the extra mile to help his people while building the Kingdom of God.  He and his wife have 3 children of their own and in the last few years he has adopted 9 other orphans, whose parents have died from aids.  Some of them are siblings.  They all live in the parsonage next to the church.  Just think 14 people living in this house.

When we were there a few weeks ago we could see that this house was in bad shape.  It was leaning to one side. Everyone was concerned that it would not be able to weather another windy storm. 

Well another big storm did come and by the grace of God the building is still standing but flooding has taken it's toll on it.  They tried to stay in his house, but it was barely standing and much of it was under two feet of water.  All the creepy crawly things were looking for dry ground too.  They killed 3 snakes that worked their way onto the children's beds, while looking for dryer ground.   (Not to mention rats, spiders and whatever else was looking for dry land) The family moved into the church building temporarily for safety but that building was also experiencing some flooding although damage was minimal.  
At this writing, they have had to split up and are
are staying at the homes of relatives.
Our hearts are burdened for this faithful man of God and his family.  Those he has raised up in the Lord do help by bringing by extra rice and or other small supplies but they themselves are very poor, and are also struggling to keep their families dry and well.  

God has placed it on our hearts to do all that we can to help this family build a new parsonage.  On The Frontline Ministries have been doing all they can but have been taxed with keeping up with the needs of their Sunbeam Kids Orphanage which is also being stretched financially because of the flooding. 

We were told that to build a proper (well built) parsonage with 3 bedrooms, (one for the parents, one for boys and one for girls) kitchen, living room and one restroom would cost around $18,000. The first $5000 would get the foundation laid.  The floor will be raised about 2 feet higher to avoid future flooding.  The Lord has told us to share this need.  We don't have this kind of money and we know that many of you don't either, but we serve a mighty God who can make a way where there is no way, and we can start somewhere. Perhaps toward the foundation.  Every little bit will help.  There may be someone out there who is able to do more to get this project moving faster.  That would be so much appreciated.   This is a worthy cause and good soil to plant into.  Whatever the Lord provides will go directly toward a safe place for this family to live.

If you would like to help fund this parsonage project, make your checks payable to: The House, Modesto and write Don Whitney Ministries/par-project on the memo line. 
Mail to: Don Whitney Ministries, P.O. Box 578074, Modesto, CA 95357

Your gifts are tax deductible and everything designated for the project will be put toward building the parsonage. 

To our regular donors who may want to participate, please put the Parsonage donation on a separate check from your regular support. 

For those who have asked.  We did get some flooding here at our home but not inside the house.  We’re doing fine and thankful for God’s protection.

Blessings to you all,

Your missionaries,

Don and Maria Whitney


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