August newsletter

Haven't had a chance to post on our blog for a while, but here is a copy of our most recent e-newsletter.  Hope to get back to doing some regular posts soon.

Don Whitney MinistriesAUGUST 2014

To Donate to this Ministry

Make checks payable to: 
The House, Modesto
Write: Don Whitney Ministries 
on the memo line

Mail to:
Don Whitney Ministries
P.O. Box 578074
Modesto, CA 95357

All Donations are Tax Deductible

Hello from Cambodia

Well we've been home just about a month and I can't say where the time has flown to.  Battambang has been hot and humid,with lots of rain but we're happy!  Our trip to the states was short and busy but we so enjoyed visiting with everyone and seeing our Granddaughter Becca's graduation. We  also visited with Don's mom and a bunch of other family as well. These trips home are hard to take at times because of the length of travel time, but we always are refreshed and blessed when we see everyone.

Following are some pics from this last trip.  Sorry we didn't get everyone on camera!!


Thanks again for your love, prayers and support. 

Bible Schools
Since coming back to Battambang we have been busy planning for our Bible Schools. 
Students will be completing their first year of school and we are preparing for the Class Completion Ceremonies and Certificates.  God is continuing to open doors for His Word to go forth here, bringing a solid foundation for the Khmer people to stand on. 

In October we will have the 2014 Completion Celebrations for two of our schools.  This is a special and exciting time for the students.  They all dress up and come with excitement to receive their Class Completion Certificates.  We have a service with worship and testimonies and share a meal together.  Everyone looks forward to this special day. 
We'll be sure to take lots of pictures to post in the November newsletter. 

Right now I'm busy making flyers that must be translated into the Khmer language and preparing our Completion Certificates for all 36 students. 

There are two additional schools waiting to begin in January this coming year.  It's exciting how God is opening doors for His Word to go forth. There is paperwork that must be completed for each new school and registration applications for the new students as well. 

Please keep us in your prayers, as each school requires not only an investment in time and the training of the nationals to be able to teach the Word, but also added funds are needed to print materials, translate and feed the students during the school week of their classes which is 4 days per month. The yearly celebrations require renting extra chairs, food etc.


Just think, we get to be here seeing their faces and sharing the Lord with them personally. You as our partners can rejoice with what God is doing here on the other side of
the world, as one day you will take part in the reward God has ordained for both sower and reaper.  
John 4:36, 37


Debbie Superdock

Debbie has been with us since we got back from the states and has already been a tremendous blessing.  Debbie is from the state of Florida. She is O.R. Nurse and a graduate from Rhema Bible School.

She is helping with the teaching at the Bible Schools and our planning for the two new schools that will begin in January.  There's a lot of work to be done and we value her help and input into this ministry.  

Debbie has also helped with the Sunbeam Sisters club.  She has taught and had some fun times sharing some cooking recipes. Here's pictures of the funnel cakes they helped make.

Wood Shop Extention
They're out of the sun!
We're so grateful to God and many of you who gave toward the extension of the Wood Shop.  Well it's done and being put to a lot of good use.  There is more room now to pull the work table out from the shed and leave it out, as the extended top and sides lock up for storage and Don and the boys will be out of the sun.  

This is turning out to be Don's "Man Cave"
Here he's getting "organized" for the boys
  who start coming next week.

The Sunbeam Sisters have been practicing singing "Lord I lift your name on high" in English and last night they sang in front of the rest of the kids.  They did a great job pronouncing the words correctly and singing to the Lord beautifully.  So proud of them.  

Afterwards we had our movie night with all of the kids.  Young and old are fascinated by Tom and Jerry cartoons.  It was a great night.

Prayer Request

As we prepare for two class promotions we ask for wisdom and strength to get all the preparation work done on time, especially with the translating of materials. Things tend to go slowly here.
With two new schools starting, we need the school handbook etc translated and printed before January.

Have been struggling with our internet connection since we got here. Would love to get this resolved ...soon !

We praise God for his goodness in our lives and continue pressing forward to the call.

Your Missionaries,

Don and Maria Whitney


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