September Newsletter

Don Whitney Ministries
Serving and being instruments of God’s by“…equipping the saints for the work of the ministry.”  Eph 4:12


Hello Friends and Family,

It’s that time of month when I try to put together another update letter to let you all know how things are going here in Cambodia.  Well things are great, and busy times continue to make life interesting.  We love our God adventures when we know that something is coming just around the corner and as we follow His lead, He surprises us with blessings and favor. 

I was shopping at a little store across from the marketplace the other day and was greeted by a man who was American.  We started to chat and he soon introduced me to his Cambodian wife who also spoke English.  They are in the process of settling here in Battambang. His wife’s father is a Pastor of a Khmer church here in our town.  They didn’t miss a beat inviting us to visit their church.  When I got home I told Don about it and we decided to join them on Sunday morning (as of yet we have not found a regular church home here).  It was a wonderful service, and it turned out that the Pastor is retired from the Four Square denomination, however he decided to start another church after his retirement.  Pastor Khiev Phon is 77 years old and has been praying for God to send someone to help him with the preaching. 

The service was wonderful and we even had an excellent interpreter for the entire service (which is rare for churches around here).  We found there were several others in this church of about 80 people, who also spoke English.   They invited us, Americans up to the pulpit to share where we were from etc. and we ended up sharing our testimonies with them.  After the service Don was asked to come back next Sunday and preach.  We’re exciting about this little church who seems to have embraced us without even knowing us.  There’s something about kindred Spirit of God that draw people together in His love.  Another God adventure. Wondering where it will lead.
Don has started up with the boys again in the shop but I forgot to take pictures.  He has also been working on completing an order for pens for another ministry, but has had a few challenges with the equipment.  Hoping to meet our deadline.

I am working on developing a handbook for the Bible Schools and getting it translated into the Khmer language.  This is a challenge and takes time.
We need to have it finished before the start of school in January.  We also have additional translating of class materials to be done before January as well. Unfortunately, nothing happens very quickly around here, so we must be patient.

I am continuing to meet with the girls from the Sunbeam Orphanage and we’re enjoying our times together.  They love the Lord and respond positively to our lessons and times of worship.  This week several of them went home to see family members because of a Khmer Holiday.  I had 3 girls that didn’t have anywhere to go to.  We studied the word and then I took them for a ride into town for some Swensen’s Ice Cream.  It’s amazing how their little eyes light up seeing everything in the store and getting to choose from a menu.  All things we westerners take for                                                                                       granted.

Each month we go to Jerry and Wilma Mishler’s to help them put teaching packets together for their ministry leaders.  It is a tedious job in the heat and humidity, but knowing that each packet is going to minister to a child, and or children, makes it worth while.  However, Don definitely has a hard time with this.  Office type work is not his thing.  Of all the things we do here, Don likes this the least….

He’s happiest when it’s all finished!!!

God riches blessings to each of you.  Thank you for keeping us in your prayers and for your faithful support that sustains us here.  Also we remain grateful and thankful to those of you who have given toward the opening of more Bible Schools.  This is seed that will and is multiplying beyond our imaginations.  We love you all.

Your Missionaries,

Don and Maria Whitney
Don Whitney Ministries


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