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Hello Family & Friends,
I want to thank all of you for your donations and prayer - Maria & I could not be here without your support. Since we moved to Better Hope on May the 1st we have been able to minister to about 2,200 people ( some of them the same because of a 3 or 4 day meetings & etc.). We have seen 45 or 50 people receive physical healings and the power of the Lord has been wonderful. More doors are open to us than time will allow.
We are in need of good DVD projector to take into villages, that can handle the bumps of a speed boat ride and in some cases, roads. We're hoping there might be some one out there that can help us with this project. The cost would be approximately $1200.00. The young people here have nothing to do (there is no form of entertainment here except for 3 t.v. channels and that is it). Lord willing, we'd like to start a big screen movie night with a salvation altar call at the end.
Thanks again for all of your wonderful help and prayers.
God Bless,