Change of Heart Breakthrough and celebration was awesome.
The Change of Heart class dealt with 2 weeks each, learning about Repentance, The power of the Tongue, Having A Victim Mentality and the importance of Forgiveness. Students were glued to the video teachings of Pastor Glen Berteau along with the teaching materials compiled by Kelli Williams to produce this wonderful Heart Changing teaching.
Dealing with areas needing repentance that had been neatly hidden way in their hearts was different than just going to church for a "feel good" fix. In one class, after a time of teaching and prayer, they wrote on a piece of paper specific character traits they knew God wanted changed. One by one after a personal prayer time with the Lord, they brought their pieces of paper to a burning charcoal pit and burned them there as a declaration that they were now free from the strongholds these had on their lives.
The teaching of the power of the tongue was a reminder on how it can give life or death to any situation. They learned to keep their eyes on Jesus and in His Word. They testified that through application, this brought great peace, contentment and joy in their day.
Having received understand and become aware of the devils tactics to keep them oppressed, through a victim mentality and a long line of generational curses, they were set free with a new revelation of God's love and delivering power.
They also learned the importance of forgiveness. Not just receiving but giving.
You can view a video of their testimonies on our fb page at


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