WOW...New Printer

Don and I want to say a big THANK YOU to Jim and Kathy Letras along with their friends and Bible Study group who contributed toward a printer for our Bible School.
This new printer is a tremendous blessing that will let us print double sided copies of lesson plans, saving us paper and time.  It has two trays and is economical when it comes to ink cartridges too.  Praise the Lord! How good is our God!

We've been in contact with students who continue to tell us how much they miss the school and had loved learning and growing in the knowledge of Lord.
We've been amazed at the hunger and commitment shown by these students to draw closer to God and apply His principles to their lives.

Pictured here is Orlita, one of two ladies who road their bicycles 10 miles, sometimes in the rain, in order to come to school. Making whatever arrangements she could for her children to be cared for while she was in school.

I remember two other young ladies, Maria and Yolanda, ages 17 and 16.  These young ladies would walk for 2 hours on small dirt paths just to get to the main road where they would catch a mini bus to Bible school.

Imran, had a knee injury which made it very difficult to walk the rocky path from his house to the main road. He also managed to make classes and pass with high marks.

These are but a few of our 22 students who unfortunately, were only able to complete the 1st semester of their studies because of our emergency trip back to California for Don's medical attention.  How we miss all our students!  

It is our desire to complete this work, and are seeking the Lord concerning continuing as a correspondence school, making trips twice a year.  We are working toward this goal and making plans for possibly the Spring of next year, allowing Don to fully recover.  

Please continue to pray for us as we follow His leading.  

I heard from the Child Evangelism Director that one of the Good News Club leaders, and friend, Roxanne Christiani, held a week long Bible Camp, much like VBS, in one of the Villages on the Coast of Guyana.  Exciting times for the children.


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