Update - Good News - PTL

Thank you faithful prayer warriors.  Don's surgery took 6 long hours. At least it seemed long to me.  I did a lot of walking around, praying and reading to pass the time.

The doctor came out of the operating room with a smile on his face!  It was an extensive surgery, but they got all the cancer.  They did take some extra lymph nodes on his neck just to make sure nothing traveled below his neck.
He will still need the radiation treatment but we won't know how long until the pathology report comes in on the lymph nodes.  While there seems to be a train track running from the side of his forehead down his hairline to his neck, all in all he looks pretty good.  Color on his cheeks and started eating a little this morning.  I spent the night sleeping in a chair next to his bed, so I couldn't get word out yesterday. Neither of us got too much sleep.

I thank God for the wonderful doctors and nurses here at the Palo Alto Veterans Hospital.  We were so blessed to have this care available to us.  God is so good!

Thank you all again for your prayers for my Don.  We so appreciate all of you.  I will be posting for updates in the next few days. We expect to be here at least until Monday.


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