We're are excited that we could partner with our friends Mark Neitz and Mike Norton of  "Why Not Now Ministries" to distribute the Sawyer Water Filtration systems to villages in our area and to those in the Interior that will all greatly benefit from the gift of clean water.

Before Mark and Mike arrived, Don was able to obtain 20 buckets from a local vendor at the market place to use with the water filtration systems.

During the dry season or drought, we have to get water from village wells.  As you can see this water is not very clean.  Villages in the Interior have water that would be muddier than this.

By providing these filtration systems we are providing health to the villagers.  These filters remove: Cholera, Botulism, Typhoid (Salmonella Typhi) Amoebic Dysentery etc from the water.

We're excited to have Mark, and Mike helping us provide these systems to the villages.  As you can see, it makes quite a difference in the drinking water.  Which glass would you drink from?

Of course we started with one at our house.  Now we don't have to buy the bottled water each week.

As God provides, we hope to order several systems before their next trip in October, so they can bring them along when they come.

One filter will provide clean drinking water to 100 people per day for a total of 1 million gallons over the life of the filter.  The cost of a water filter is $150.   If you would like to contribute toward a filter or perhaps could purchase one to provide clean water to children and villagers in the Jungles and rain forest of Guyana, send your donations to the address at the right hand of our blog.  Please make a note on the memo line of your check:  Don Whitney Ministries - Water.


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